Top 3 advice to secure the company's equipment

Does your company have expensive equipment, important documents or products that cannot simply be replaced?
Burglary is an expensive business, and even if you do your best to avoid it, you can't always be completely safe. If you have equipment in the company that cannot be replaced by the insurance, it may be a good idea to think extra about how you protect this.
Anti-theft protection is an investment, and although it may seem expensive now, in the long run it can be a very wise choice.
Here you get our three best tips for securing expensive or irreplaceable equipment
Remove the equipment from the thief's sight
The burglar will be more easily tempted if he/she can see equipment of great value standing in front of your office or in the shop after closing hours. Therefore, make sure to put the expensive equipment in a place where the thief cannot see it.
We always advise against drawing the curtains. If it looks like you're hiding valuables, the thief might stop by to check.
Set up a good alarm system with video surveillance
Make sure you have a good alarm system and that this is always switched on when the last person leaves the building - then you will be notified when uninvited guests arrive.
With video surveillance for the alarm system, you get extra security, as you can keep an eye on what is happening in the shop, warehouse or office. With video surveillance and a good alarm system, help will be called if the alarm is triggered - and you can keep an eye on the situation at the same time, for example on your phone.
In addition, signage about alarms and video surveillance helps to discourage the thief from going after your business.
Place the most important and expensive items in a fire safe / theft safe
Last but not least: it is a really good idea to move your very valuable equipment or most important documents into a fire/theft safe, i.e. a so-called security safe. A safe limits the scope of a burglary, so that the most expensive or completely irreplaceable items are not taken.
Insurance covers a lot, but some items cannot be replaced with money. A safety deposit box guarantees that your most valuable items and documents are always safe.
With a fire-proof cabinet, you of course also ensure that your valuables are secured in the event of a fire. It's a win-win that gives you peace of mind!